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Friday, November 11, 2016


My first mobile. 
The mobile that I have now. 
Things have changed a lot since technology has come.
I started to use a mobile phone with 7 years when my parents, returning from a dance stage camp, gave it to me.
This way, they wanted to know where I was when I went out with my friends. My first mobile phone was small and only used to call and send messages. At that mobile only had the typical snake game and things needed to call.
The phone that I have now is much better than the one I had before. In this mobile phone I have Whatsapp, Instagram, Snapchat ... I can download more things. Applications that I like are Whatsapp, because I can talk to my friends and Instagram, because I can upload pictures and I like seeing pictures of other people I know.
The best device is the camera because you can make pìctures.

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